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Pastor Walker comes from a family of ministers of the gospel. She is supported in the ministry by her husband Elder Carl H. Walker. She believes that God’s will for her life has been summed up in the paraphrase of Jeenie Gordon, “I exist to bring glory to God by my willingness to listen, encourage, counsel, comfort, and share my professional and experiential knowledge with others through preaching, teaching, counseling, and evangelism.”

She has over 20 years of serving either as a missionary, counselor, teacher, and pastor. Pastor Walker encourages the believer to yield to the voice of the Lord although it seems difficult sometimes; we must still do what He tells us to do. She believes her most rewarding yet challenging assignment was the organizing of Rock of Ages Missionary Baptist Church in 2001.

Yielding to the Spirit's call for the organization of this church, her obedience led her to start Bible Study in Jamestown Community in Hephzibah, GA and later held Worship Service in her home.

Reverend Angeleen E. Walker, D. Min., Pastor

Rock of Ages Missionary Baptist Church, Hephzibah, GA

Pastor Walker can be contacted for prayer or spiritual words at (706) 793-2728. Or come and hear this woman of God apply God’s wisdom in your life.


Although Pastor Walker holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry, she rejoices not over her educational degrees, but at the birth of this new congregation. She coaches each member to be a seeker for Christ; to win souls for Him. She encourages new converts to follow her as she follows Christ. Her sermons are life-applicable and hearers have accepted Jesus as their Savior in response to the gospel. Many believers hearing her teaching and preaching are growing spiritually. Souls are baptized into the body of Christ. Reverend Walker believes in the power of the gospel. Her favorite scripture is Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…“

Elder Carl H. Walker

Pastor (left) and Elder Walker

Pastor (left) and Elder Walker

The church is blessed to have a caring Pastor and loving Elder. ROA believes that it is God’s plan for his church to have an elder. According to 1 Tim. 5:17-18, “let the elder that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn.” Our elder is very alert and watches over the congregation and ministries to ensure that nothing hinders our work for kingdom building. He loves and cares for the people and the house of God. He serves in most ministries. He is the chief leader of the deacon ministry; he sings with the music ministry, he serves in the hospitality ministry and Christian education. He believes he did not come to ROA to be served, but to serve. Elder joins Pastor in overseeing the church. He is a good soldier of Jesus Christ. He fights the good fight of faith.


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