Rock of Ages Missionary Baptist Church
Commissioned to Serve this Present Age
On-Line Family Bible Study
Notes: Bible Expositor and Illuminator Union Gospel Press,
Winter Quarter
Jesus Seeks Out Zacchaeus
Lesson Text: Luke 19:1-10
Golden Text: Luke 1:10
Related Scriptures: Ezekiel 18:19-32; Luke 15:1-10; Acts 11:1-18
Time: A.D. 30 Places: Jericho
Devotion: Song/Prayer/Song/ Scripture Reading/doxology/Lord’s Prayer
Youth Lesson Video:
Many people today think that acquiring more things or acquiring bigger and better things will make them happy. If they can have a bigger and better car, they think they will be happy. If they can go on a bigger and better vacation than last time, they think they will be happy. Sadly, this kind of happiness is always elusive. True happiness, or joy, comes from putting Jesus first, others second, and us last. True joy starts with faith in Jesus as we will see in the account of Zacchaeus in Luke 19 (Bible Expositor and Illuminator Union Gospel Press, Winter Quarter 2024-25).
Notice Zacchaeus uses the ABCs of Salvation. A-Admit he had sinned, B-Believe in Jesus, C-Confess Jesus is Lord.
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